toil in hope and you will get there.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Now this idea of mine, I believe, is quite ingenious.

For those of you who have ever had to live away from home, or more precisely, for those of you who have ever had to live away from your own clothes washer and dryer, you'll know that keeping your clothes clean is a real pain in the ass. Not only do apartment/laundromat machines tend to handle small loads, but the cost is actually quite exorbitant. Over here at our place, it's $1.75 to wash, and another $1.75 to dry. That $3.50 could get me a pint during Happy Hour.

Gathering the necessary combination of quarters and loonies for such an operation as a designated "laundry day" is often fraught with logistical complications. First of all, and perhaps most importantly, I usually don't tend to have any money, and when I do, I rely heavily on direct debit. It's pretty hard to amass coins when you're handling virtual dollars. Anyways, every machine needs 1 loonie and 3 quarters over here. Suspiciously short of both, I tore apart the apartment, searching pants pockets, jackets, under cushions to gather all the shrapnel I could. With a tub of nickels and dimes in hand, the light bulb upstairs turned on.

I went down to the lobby and pumped nearly $10 worth of change into the vending machine, bought myself a Kit-Kat, and the change dispensed was all quarters! Bwahahahhahaa!

Currently: Doing 3 loads of laundry on 3 different floors of the building.

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