toil in hope and you will get there.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

"No, you see, we fixed the glitch."

Remember that time I tried selling my body to science and partly into the case study it was cancelled because the drugs being tested caused severe liver damage in dog test subjects? Well, being part of a Sociological discussion panel was nothing like that experience.

Basically we were pre-testing a survey questionnaire that a professor at the PRL was hoping to begin in a few weeks. Without revealing the confidential nature of the session, it focused on 24-3o year olds and their reasons for living at home or on their own. I was the second youngest group member of us 8, and only 1 of 3 members who were currently living away from home. That, to me, was a bit shocking. Every university graduate there was back to living at home, or had never moved out. I had the unique experience of moving out at 17, moving back home after a few years of independence, then heading back on out again.

Other interesting aspects of the study were questions pertaining to adulthood. Do you consider yourself an adult? When did you start seeing yourself as one? What factors do you think are necessary? It's increasingly vague in our society just when you "officially" pass from one development stage to the next. There's no intricate ceremony that, tadah!, instantly transforms you into an adult. Is it when you move out? When you graduate from school? When you turn 18? When you get your first real job? How about as soon as you start a family...or enter into a dedicated relationship? It's interesting to ponder. Do you think your parents view you as an adult?

The feedback and criticisms from our panel aided the professor in making any necessary changes to his survey, and it was awesome to see the development which goes behind such an undertaking. More importantly, we were each paid in cash money, pizza, refreshments, and delicious cookies for our input.

Currently: Wishing that I had not taken a Robaxacet, thinking it was an Immodium.

1 comment:

k.skinner said...

For the record, Nicole is totally awesome. Take note.