toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, July 19, 2004

So I Says to Mabel, I Says...

Hot enough for you? Hooo-weee! This humid weather is almost getting to be too much, you know, with the abundance of swass (or "sweaty ass") plaguing the City of Champions.
I updated my reading list in the right column. I've polished off LOTR: The Two Towers while manning the phones at work, and with LOTR: The Return of the King, I'll be completing the trilogy for the 3rd time. I'm still slogging my way through Les Miserables, and I've decided to give War and Peace a 9th's hoping I at least get beyond the preface this time!
On Sunday Nicole and I headed down to Camrose, which I discovered is referred to as "The Rose City," though I didn't recognize "rose" was half of the city name until that point. Shades of the IHOP -> International House of Pancakes scenario with George in Vancouver. Anyways, their new-old house has a backyard to die for, and a hottub to kill for.
Which makes it almost as dangerous as our lovely new apartment!
Currently: Cramming in the final gooey nuggets of Religious Anthropology before the midterm.

1 comment:

k.skinner said...

Crazy? Let's let the professionals sort that one out.

The secret, though, is to keep the temperature super-low, at least below body temperature, and then it's cool and refreshing. We were in there for quite some time enjoying the mosquitos and gentle raindrops of yet another thunderstorm.