toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Midterm Double Deuce

You can always tell when a university student has a large load of urgent and pressing assignments to finish or exams to prepare for - their living quarters are decidedly cleaner than at any other point in time.

As I put the finishing touches on a take-home midterm exam and conclude studying for another midterm exam occurring in less than 12 hours, my apartment has become quite an inviting place indeed. Gone are the overflowing garbage cans and piles of dirty dishes which perfumed the air with the scents of bachelor living. Clean is the living room and kitchen and even bathroom. Hell, I went so far as to actually scrub the bathtub and rid it of 10 months of compounded grime!

Seeing as how the take-home midterm had to be typed, it took an enormous strength of will to actually concentrate on it and not browse laxly through websites, download music and movies, or whittle the hours away playing online games. Blogging, however, is exempt from the realm of "procrastinating" as it enables me to collect my thoughts, regain my sanity, and re-double my efforts on the task at hand...

...the task at hand being to locate tonight's episode of The Sopranos for downloading.

Currently listening to: Matthew Good - While We Were Hunting Rabbits


k.skinner said...

I've finished reading "The Corporation" which turned out to be an informative, scary, eye-opening analysis of the influence this cultural institution has had on the world.

Inadvertently, it also has provided me with some valuable reference material that I can incorperate into my midterms - especially the chapters dealing with communication, advertising, and the way thoughts/desires are manipulated and controlled in our society.

Ha-zah! Thanks for the book, Nicole!

iHeartDimSum said...

Have you read No Logo by Naomi Klein? I think it may run along the same lines as Corporation. It's lengthy, but a brilliant critical analysis of the influence of large brand multinationals on our culture. Read it!

k.skinner said...

I've passed it more than a few times in the bookstore, but I've never actually gone through it...but it's on my "to read" list, that's for sure.

Got a copy?