toil in hope and you will get there.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Suite 1508: Total War

I swear I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Not to any degree of severity, mind you, but obsessive tendencies none-the-less. Case in point - my continual playing of the game Rome: Total War. I just can't seem to help myself. It is a very, very good game, this is true. But it is also a game with very little payoff at the end. Upon first conquering the S.P.Q.R. (and most of the then civilized world), I was so upset with the pithy "Congrats! You win!" ending that I uninstalled the game in a blind moment of rage. Yet here I am, back in front of my computer, playing the damn thing yet again.

I think I now have some idea of how smokers must feel.

Currently: Happy to be back in my own bed...don't bother visiting Grand Cache. It totally sucks over there.

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