toil in hope and you will get there.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


There are websites that provide legal downloads. This is not one of them.

This website has been permanently shut down by court order because it facilitates the illegal downloading of copyrighted motion pictures. The illegal downloading of motion pictures robs thousands of honest, hard-working people of their livelihood, and stifles creativity. Illegally downloading movies from sites such as these without proper authorization violates the law, is theft, and is not anonymous. Stealing movies leaves a trail. The only way not to get caught is to stop.

Yeah, so this is totally not what I was expecting to see when I attempted to finish up my download of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. It's a real shame too, since it was already at 90%! These MPAA guys just aren't much fun at all.


iHeartDimSum said...

Can you explain to me why you've got links to both the IMF and the World Bank on your page? These neo-conservative economics based organizations really don't go with the rest of your pro-commie motif (ie: illegal downloads,,

k.skinner said...

This is true - both the IMF and World Bank are amongst the most evil of mankind's creations. Discrediting and lambasting these two organizations has been the bread-and-butter of many, many essays and term papers.

As the old saying goes, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I often like to use my blog to keep track of weblinks, and I enjoy comparing what these two organizations say publicly, and what they actually do.

k.skinner said...

And yes, I do realize that keeping track of links is what the Bookmarks tab is for in my toolbar, but I enjoy the clicking...

Anonymous said...

Music piracy is negligible, but game pirates burn in hell.

k.skinner said...


*thoughtfully blows into bubble-pipe*
