toil in hope and you will get there.

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Okay, the time has come at last! Here's the details on my moving plans.

Friday, July 30
I'll only have the U-Haul from 07:30 to 16:00, and once everything is cleared out of Nicole's and then my apartment, It'll all need to unloaded again into a self-storage locker.

Saturday, July 31
If I am unable to borrow the services of someone with a pick-up truck, I'll need to rent one in order to haul the larger items out of the storage locker and into the apartment. I have the elevators booked from 11:00 to 15:00. Since we have the storage locker for an entire month, smaller boxes and items that fit in my car can gradually be moved it.

So guys, if you can help out at all, even for a few hours, please don't hesitate to give me a call and let me know. For the most part it will only be my dad and I doing the moving, and he's got a pretty bad back - I'd hate to put him out of commission for a few days.

My phone should remain hooked-up during this time, so I hope to hear from you!

Currently: Finishing up last minute packing and cleaning.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Uncle Skinner Wants You!

Hey, hey! It's getting to be that time of the year again - moving day!

That's right, folks. I would greatly appreciate a few helping hands on July 30, July 31, or both! I'll be renting a 17' U-Haul for the Friday, and I hope to pack up most of Nicole's apartment, and then mine, freeing up the Saturday morning for last-minute cleaning. I'll be able to start moving into the new apartment after 12:00pm.

For those of you who drink beer, well, I'll provide the beer! For those of you who prefer alternative refreshments, I'll help you out there as well. Depending upon how many of you show up, there might even be a nice meal somewhere in the deal.

So if you can help out at all during those days, even though it would nullify your long-weekend, I would be extremely grateful.

Currently: Enjoying some Chinese food leftovers

Monday, July 19, 2004

So I Says to Mabel, I Says...

Hot enough for you? Hooo-weee! This humid weather is almost getting to be too much, you know, with the abundance of swass (or "sweaty ass") plaguing the City of Champions.
I updated my reading list in the right column. I've polished off LOTR: The Two Towers while manning the phones at work, and with LOTR: The Return of the King, I'll be completing the trilogy for the 3rd time. I'm still slogging my way through Les Miserables, and I've decided to give War and Peace a 9th's hoping I at least get beyond the preface this time!
On Sunday Nicole and I headed down to Camrose, which I discovered is referred to as "The Rose City," though I didn't recognize "rose" was half of the city name until that point. Shades of the IHOP -> International House of Pancakes scenario with George in Vancouver. Anyways, their new-old house has a backyard to die for, and a hottub to kill for.
Which makes it almost as dangerous as our lovely new apartment!
Currently: Cramming in the final gooey nuggets of Religious Anthropology before the midterm.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Very Informative

Yet another example of how American politics offers a much more fertile field of comedic expression. Funny stuff!
Currently: Studying for Sociology midterm...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

By The Numbers

I was flipping through the latest issue of Maclean's, when I came across an interesting set of numbers:

461,068 hot dogs
96,272 corn dogs
1.8 million mini donuts
76,652 hamburgers
3,475 litres of ketchup
12,864 cobs of corn
26,000 steaks (10oz.)
45,549 kg of potatoes
21,000 tubs of popcorn
49,342 clouds of cotton candy
29,563 slices of pizza
154,912 bottles of water
93,636 kg of ice cubes
50,271 candy apples

These are the numbers for the Calgary Stampede, indicating the unbelievable amount of carnie-food that will be consumed over the course of 10 days. Quite frankly, I think these numbers are a bit low, as Nicole, George, and myself alone consumed nearly half this amount in 2 days! Between the ice cream, mini donuts, funnel cake, candy apples, debi manjoos, corn dogs, pop, water, beer, and lunch buffet, it was a truly disturbing sight.

My only regret is that I never made good on my promise to have the deep-fried Snickers on a stick! That funnel cake that George got was more than enough to lubricate my innards and negatively impact my health...

Currently listening to: Fuel - Innocent

Friday, July 09, 2004

Slaughterhouse: 1508

In 3 weeks I'll be changing my place of residence, forsaking the untamed wilderness of 107th's "Avenue of Nations" and inching ever so closer to the River Valley. Nicole and I have managed to stumble upon an attractive suite in Renaissance Place.

Yes, ...that Renaissance Place.

I used to think it was quaint that we were moving into a building where a man I knew of, Gary Prime, was brutally murdered in his own suite by hatchet wielding maniacs. When we first checked out the building, I even joked that, "If we're shown a suite at the end of the hall, we're not taking it!"

But now, with yet another brutal murder in the same upscale building in the past 3 years, we're living in one of the deadliest buildings in Edmonton - which makes our new place even better! I can picture great Hallowe'en parties already...

Currently: Packing a few items for our weekend getaway.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Sexy Scott

This post is especially for there's no need to keep trying to call me at home, since my spare time these days is measured in minutes and not hours.

I'm not going to forget about you, buddy.

It looks like we'll be leaving Saturday morning/early-afternoonish. Probably around 10am or so. If you'd like a ride into Calgary, just be sure to be in the city before then. You could hitch a ride in on Friday night, or really early on Saturday.

We will, however, be coming back to Edmonton late Sunday evening, so if you want to catch Finger Eleven on Monday night, you'll probably need to catch a Greyhound home.

If you need a place to stay Friday or Sunday, I've got a love seat with your name on it!

Currently: Using the horrible DELL computers in the flooding Rutherford Library

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

One Fish, Two Fish...

...Red Fish, Blue Fish. Except, well, that the first one was blue, and the second one is red.

Blinky 2.0, as I've affectionately named the second Betta I've owned in an eventual unbroken line of fighting fish stretching beyond time and space, is actually quite amazing. His predecessor lasted a mere 10 days, yet he's continued on for a solid 6 months, if not longer!

He does all these amazing tricks, like floating upside down and being buried under rocks and even swimming on his side!

I was very surprised to see him alive after I left town for nearly 10 days, but he seems more alive now than ever before! Whenever I seem to think he's dead, and prepare to give 'em the ol' flush funeral, he jolts back to life with a renewed vigor that buys him another week. You've got to admire that stubborn desire to live. This fish has more lives than George W. Bush has brain cells, and was a hell of a bargain at $3.49!

Currently: Eating bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies

Extra Protection

It's the second day of classes and already things have started at a brisk pace. After the first day alone, I had close to 100 pages of reading to do! My schedule is set up rather nicely, though, with a 2+ hour gap between my two classes - just long enough to give me time to study or hit the gym, and just short enough to keep me from leaving the University.

Though not wallowing in my own financial crapulence by any means, my 8-day stint with Tri-City has afforded me a bit of dreaming room. Canadian Tire has a particular set of goaltender pads which has piqued my interest. Coupled with a new blocker/catcher set, these elegant 34" pads will certainly cover a few more holes in the net. My first priority at the moment, however, is covering the moving expenses for the new apartment Nicole and I will be moving in to, especially a new barbecue for our gigantic River Valley-viewing patio! The new goalie equipment, however, is certainly a close second.

This upcoming weekend we plan to drive on down to Cowtown to enjoy the Stampede, which is infinitely better than Klondike Days, though we won't be leaving until Saturday morning. In the meantime, we're looking for a place to stay...sooooo, George does your Uncle mind a few transients in his place over the weekend? If not, Nicole has a cousin we might be able to stay with, but your diseased company would be much more fun.

And yes, Scott, if you pitch in a few dollars for gas, we could probably bring you along, but you'll be missing Finger Eleven is they're playing on Friday.

Currently listening to: Beastie Boys - Ch-Check It Out

Friday, July 02, 2004

I Can See Thru Time

It's July 2 already, eh? Where in the world does time fly.

Seeing as how I finished Spring Session at the University of Alberta, and mighty successfully too!, you'd think that I'd enjoy the 16 days I had off until Summer Session started up.


Though it was only for 8 days, I've been out by Lloydminster working for Tri-City Drilling to stockpile a little extra cash. It was 8 shifts of graveyard work, from 19:30-07:30, so my internal clock is entirely out of whack.

Sleep, need sleep soooo badly.

Currently: Amazed that Blinky 2.0 is still alive after not being fed all this time!