toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, January 12, 2004


Now, I'm not going to deny the fact that I spent a great deal of my early teenage life involved in Star Trek, whether it was catching every episode of the original series or The Next Generation, or even dedicating countless hours meticulously painting every single window on my Enterprise NCC 1701-D model, but I simply can't get enough of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

In fact, this movie is so good that it doesn't require any previous knowledge of the Star Trek universe - it stands alone as a complete movie, with all the drama, suspense, and action you could ever hope for. In fact, when Spock makes the very Vulcan decision to sacrifice his own life, near the end of the movie to save those of the crew, you can't be faulted for shedding a tear or two. It's a nostalgic moment that ranks right up there with E.T. dying or Optimus Prime passing on the Matrix of Leadership.

Just thinking about it gets me all worked up - in fact, I think I'm gonna head on down to Rogers Video, open an account, and rent it for this evening's festivities. Lord knows I can't go anywhere near Blockbuster Video...

Currently listening to: The Edmonton Oilers winning 4-2 on 630 CHED

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