toil in hope and you will get there.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Circadian Tango

So, here it is - the hour you're supposed to be waking up and you still haven't gone to bed, haven't even enjoyed a wink of sleep. You've formulated a brilliant scheme to force your body to cooperate and adhere to a reasonable sleeping schedule, but you know it won't be easy. After all, you've still got a whole waking day ahead of you, and if you're to win this war you can't succumb to slumber until your regularly scheduled time. Why are you in this position, you might ask? It's because you've been going to bed later and later...and later...and either getting less sleep or simply waking up later and later...and later.

Ever been in this position? Ever think that staying up a long time to make yourself extra tired would actually help you get back in to the rhythm of things? But we all know what's going to happen, don't we? Sure, you'll tough it out, you'll stay up for that super-long period of time, with the lovely bags under your eyes and the inability to string more than two coherent sentences together - but then it'll happen. You'll get your second wind! Don't deny it, you'll know it'll happen!

And there you'll be, no further ahead at correcting your sleeping habits. But hey, you'll have that zombie-like,whacked out day you just spent overtired. That's gotta count for something!

Currently - Watching a string of movies; class starts in 4 hours

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