toil in hope and you will get there.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Procrastination Junction

One can only study Sociology for so long, you know, before ever fibre in your being screams for you to do something, anything else. Tonight, it just so happened to be cataloguing my video games. Now, this isn't an exhaustive list of every game I've owned, because that would include titles from the following systems:

01) NES
02) Game Boy
03) Super NES
04) Virtual Boy
05) PlayStation
06) Nintendo 64
07) Sega Saturn
08) PlayStation 2
09) Gamecube
10) Game Boy Advance

Instead, I've merely compiled the games I currently have in my possession, whether they be legitimate purchases or emulated ROMs. It's only a start, but I've already listed 159 games total. You can check the list out here.

I would finish the list, but ever since Gregg mentioned Jeremy was enthralled with Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell for Gamecube, I dusted it off and began playing it again...and as can be expected, I am firmly in it's pixelated grasp.

Currently listening to: Genox - Budapest Homeboy

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