toil in hope and you will get there.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Down to Burritos

In the beginning, there was nothing.

Well, to be more exact, there was nothing but my jacket/pillow and a pile of pocket change, the first night I ever slept in my apartment. I didn't even sleep in my new bedroom, but opted to test out the floor of my new living room. It was August 1, and even though I was living just slightly below ground level, the ceiling fan from the kitchen turned the living room in to an Arctic Paradise when compared with the stuffy bedroom. Quite frankly, I enjoy laying on the floor - always have. In fact, I can still recall sleeping under the kitchen table at my parent's place because it was something interesting to try out. Even my mother can attest to the fact that I frequently used to lie on the kitchen floor, forcing her to step over me while preparing supper.

Supper was one thing that my apartment was completely incapable of providing me. The fridge didn't even contain a box of baking soda, and even the ice cube tray was empty. Tagging along with my parents and sister to Costco quickly changed this scenario, though my major edible purchase was a bag of 36 frozen microwave burritos. Having no microwave at the time, I reasoned that these fine morsels would hasten my decision to purchase a nuker, because there was no way I'd wait 20 minutes to cook one in the oven.

Over four months later, and having only owned a microwave since I ransacked my uncle's basement during the Grey Cup, those very same burritos are pretty much the only thing I've got left in the place. Chicken and pork chops have come and gone. Instant mashed potatoes and Shake-n-Bake used to ruled the roost. But now, as Christmas fast approaches and I'm hesitant to re-stock my shelves before the New Year, those gut-busting popsicles of frozen meat paste are all that stand between nourishment and starvation.

Having eaten spicy beef burritos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a stretch of Ghandi-esque fasting is looking more appealing with each processed bite.

Currently listening to: BOMBLE - bomble's ballbag!

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