toil in hope and you will get there.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Nacho, Nacho Man!

Vending Machine: 0
Homo Sapiens: 1

I've just returned from the lobby of my apartment building, where I was hoping to obtain snacks to appease my post-workout cravings...and something amazing happened! A bag of Doritos was dangling ever so delicately from its distribution row, where I imagine a previous snacker was totally screwed out of their money. It dawned on me that by selecting the Doritos again, I'd obtain 2 bags for the price of 1. Not a bad deal, eh?

But really, one can only eat so many Doritos. I wanted more than just Doritos!

Determined, I prepared to give the machine a jolting shake, though at the slightest disturbance the bag pried itself loose! End result: Doritos and a bag of Miss Vickies for a single Loonie! Carpe diem!

Currently: Watching re-runs of The Daily Show

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