toil in hope and you will get there.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Fifty-Mission Cap

Now that was one fine concert, and the whole thing with sitting in a stationary seat wasn't all that strange either. To be absolutely honest, though, our seats were practically perfect - exactly centre with the stage with only one row in front of us, Section 110, Row 13. The Hip had large projection screens on either side of the stage, and the entire backdrop was 4 interlocking screens, displaying images and colours that went along with the music beautifully.

The Hip have always been one of those bands that I enjoyed, but never seemed to pick up their albums...I mean, I only own Phantom Power. It wasn't until the concert last night that it dawned upon me just how many great songs they have, and what a large number of those songs I know. I liken it to CCR, where even if you don't own any of their albums, or can't really recall hearing a myriad of their songs, you'll probably sing along to almost every one of them on the "Best Of" album. What gives the Hip such substance, and recognition, is that many of their songs are timeless, and when they play At The Hundredth Meridian from the early 90's, it sounds just as fresh and lively as Bobcaygeon, which was released nearly a decade later.

So, all in all, it was a memorable Hip performance, not complete concert, as the opening act of Whatisfaceandthatband was, well, bleh. The music rocked, was non-stop, our seats were awesome, and they came out for 3 encores! Most bands today wouldn't have enough decent songs to do such a full set. It was a shame that the concessions (read: beer stands) closed down before the Hip started, and some asshole Dekes were causing a commotion a section over, but those were only minor inconveniences.

I'm glad my sweetie snagged us some tickets!

Currently: Downloading the World of Warcraft open-beta client.