toil in hope and you will get there.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


The City Centre is a realm both mysterious and frightening to me. Though I've lived in Edmonton for 7 years, and near the downtown for about 1.5 years, I've always equated it to the area where I work or an obstacle to be circumvented in the process of getting to where I really want to go. For perhaps the first time ever, I took a few hours the other day to amble about the vast subterranean, ped-wayed metropolis of Commerce Place/City Centre.

My initial suspicions, of it being completely inhabited by bus-taking winos and some breed of Mole People, were almost immediately rejected.

During my travels I decided to get a trim and have a bit of colouring done to my hair, and as I cooked patiently under the dome dryer, picking through the latest Hollywood scandal rag, something interesting actually caught my eye: NYC Garbage. Quite frankly, the idea is totally awesome. I want. I want!

Currently listening to: Zack De La Rocha - We Want It All

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