toil in hope and you will get there.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Grand Master Champion of the Universe

Aren't I the walking contradiction. I'm a poor University student who is burdened by the increasing costs of post-secondary education...who just happens to occasionally work on the oil rigs to russle up some much needed cash money to paid for the aforementioned absurd tuition. King Ralph commands policies which both giveth and taketh from my pocketbook. How very cruel indeed.

He did not receive my vote yesterday, and I was pleasantly pleased that the PCs managed to pick up fewer seats this time around. It reminded me, to a certain degree, of our past federal election, where the Liberals maintained power, but after the voting equivalent of a stern talking to. Ralph's still in charge, but his upcoming replacement should be wary. Then again, the political situation in Alberta is much like the continental US, where those hillbillies in the midwest overpower the liberal sensibilities of an entire nation. Yee-haw!

Currently: Installing Pandora Tomorrow

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