toil in hope and you will get there.

Saturday, November 15, 2003


To put it quite frankly, Matrix Revolutions sucked donkey balls on such a grand scale, that mere written language cannot properly convey the details of this unfathomable plateau of disappointment.

I, along with Steph, Bender, and Ross, hoped to curb our lingering doubts about the movie by seeing it on the Imax screen, but for the combined $66.00 we spent on admission, it would have been far more frugal to simply bathe our eyes in hydrochloric acid and walk in to traffic. For the $16.50 each, however, we were treated to a theatre experience that did not include a single ad or preview, and a tremendous screen which I could only dream of using to play one of the many epileptic-inducing shooters that Dean has in his massive collection of video games.

When the movie ended, and thank God it eventually did, the assembled viewing audience arose from their seats, shuffled towards the exists, and did so in such a silent manner that you'd think an enforced vow of silence was included in the ticket price. I had but one thought going through my head, "Now that I've seen this third movie, I really wish they'd only made the first one."


Currently: Playing the Beyond Good & Evil demo

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