toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, July 25, 2005


While myself, Nicole, and Ryan were enjoying an impromptu "date night" at West Edmonton Mall, the topic of past jobs came up. Ryan had a rather impressive list, while Nicole's wasn't nearly as long, but I suppose impressive in its own way. I didn't pipe up because my brain had seized up trying to mentally recount all my previous job placements.

During class I managed to come up with the following list, which I think is complete, though by no means chronological:

01. Vegreville and District CO-OP (Stockboy/Cashier)
02. Shaw Conference Centre (Bartender)
03. Save-on-Foods (Stockboy/Cashier)
04. Baskin Robbins (Ice Cream Jockey)
05. Tri-City Drilling (x2) (Roughneck/Motorman)
06. The Old Wood Factory (Construction Labourer)
07. New Dimensions (Construction Labourer)
08. *a third construction company that I can't recall the name of
09. *a landscaping company that I also can't recall the name of
10. Earl's (Line Cook)
11. The Keg (Line Cook)
12. UofA Population Research Laboratory (CATI Interviewer)
13. Advanis Field Research (Survey Interviewer)
14. Prime Oilfield (Pipeline Labourer)
15. New Creations (Clerk)
16. Vandelay Industries (Latex)

The list is lengthy, to be sure, but I have been working since I was 14, and there were a few times I was holding down 2-3 jobs at once. There's been other things I've been paid to do (website design, yard-work, etc.), but I wouldn't consider them official jobs. It's interesting to see the HUGE differences in workplace demands if you were to compare Baskin Robbins to Tri-City Drilling. What about the rest of you? How many different jobs have you had?

Currently: Reducing my 750-word paper to the 250-word limit.


Ryan Mayhew said...

That is a nice list. Nice mix of jobs. hehe

Ryan Mayhew said...

I have you linked on my blog now Kris.

k.skinner said...

Awesome...I've added your link as well. None shall escape the allure of "blogging."

Anonymous said...

I have had a few...lets see...10 jobs that I can recall


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna hire you as my latex salesman.

I don't think so!