toil in hope and you will get there.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Summer of Kris

Okay, I might not be sleeping in all day, lounging around the apartment in my underpants, or going on impromptu tours of the Legislature, but I do intend to enjoy each and every moment of it. Well, that and finish up my remaining correspondence coursework, I suppose. Then, then I'm going to buy to biggest-assed frame out there and proudly display that diploma of mine!

Truth be told, I think I'm still in a mild state of shock from the final crunch of exams. Whenever I sit down to compose a post, my mind just draws a blank and I end up staring at the screen for quite a few moments...then I play a few rounds of Trogdor and completely forget about my initial intent.

Let's see. What have I done lately. I guess Nicole and I checked out The Killers in concert, which turned out to be mildly disappointing. It was held at the Shaw Conference Centre, which has terrible acoustics, the "booze area" was about a football field's length away from the stage, and it was all over by 10:30pm. Mid-week, all-ages shows just don't go that extra mile, I suppose. There was very little crowd-interaction and their live performance was virtually identical to their CD sound. After experiencing the Velvet Revolver concert, I'm not sure if any concert will be able to top it...and I don't even like them all that much. It was by far, though, the most explosive rock show I've ever been to. Those veterans really knew how to f'n rock-out.

Somewhere between running, sleeping, and watching DVD television box-sets, Nicole and I also saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which was a fairly decent movie. I've read the entire 5-part trilogy and thoroughly enjoyed Douglas Adams' quirky story telling ability. I'm not quite sure what I would have thought if I hadn't read the books, but Nicole assures me it was pretty good. I would have imagined she'd have left the theatre entertained, yet undoubtedly confused. There was an eerie moment when we realized we were both getting old and cantankerous: the movie was too loud.

And on that note, it's almost 1am and I'm absolutely exhausted...time for bed.

Currently: Updating my VegCam image. You guys were really on to something there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Motley Crue put on a good show too. And so did Motorhead...I guess we gotta see the old guys for the good shows
