toil in hope and you will get there.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Queen Elizabeth II: Revenge of the Sith

It was a rainy, dreary day. The thermostat barely pushed double digits and a piercing wind howled from all directions. What better English weather to greet the Queen with in the City of Champions? Like all true-blooded members of the Commonwealth, Nicole and I made the most of this occasion - we headed straight for the mall to catch a matinee.

At Nicole's suggestion we went to see Revenge of the Sith, and somewhere between my constantly dripping nose and hallucinogenic fever, I was pretty sure I was seeing a decent movie. By far the best of the new trilogy. Upon returning home we then watched A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. That's a whole lotta sci-fi for one evening, and I couldn't be more proud of my sweetie for initiating it. It would appear the geek-factor of this relationship doesn't balance quite as far to my side as I'd previously imagined!

And now I'm off to bed. I'm fully in the grips of an unforgiving cold, and being the big baby that I immediately turn into at the first sign of sickness, all I want to do is pound back the over-the-counters and crawl into bed.

Currently listening to: My heartbeat throb in the side of my head.

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