toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Caffeine is Brain Juice

Ah yes, the magnificent final weeks of another academic semester at the University of Alberta. What precipitates this particular point in being so poignant, you ask? Why, it's the necessity to push your body and your mind to extraordinary plateaus in order to complete end-of-term papers and cram your noodle with enough knowledge to ace final exams, that's what!

Now, I may be a humble Arts student, and a wishy-washy Sociology student at that, but I've got my fair share of pressures during this time of the year. There comes a time when I have to complete those essays I've been putting off "until I'm hit with a surge of creativity," and finally crack open those over-priced textbooks I bought, a time which incidentally happens to be right about now. So if it seems like I'm avoiding you, or have dropped off the face of the earth, please don't take it personally, because it's simply that I'm engrossed with schoolwork. I've enjoyed a particularly long and eventful university career up to this point, but I really have no particular desire to prolong it for much longer.

So between now and the middle of April, I look forward to drinking more coffee than is good for me, sleeping when I should be awake and being awake when I should be sleeping, all the while contemplating the inherent injustices of the world in a manner that can be easily transcribed on 3 - 4, double-spaced pages, in a 12-pt font.

Currently listening to: My erratic heartbeat from half a dozen cups of black java.

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