toil in hope and you will get there.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Old Man Skinner

Residing in a house and having to pay all the various bills which that entails, has an interesting effect on one's youthful, carefree lifestyle.

Anticipating our very first, personalized, water and gas bills, Nicole and I have been dreading what they may contain. So in the meantime, if you're cold, DON'T you dare touch that thermostat...put on a sweater, or two. As for the electricity, you'd better be turning off those lights when you leave a room, and HEY!, why do you have them on anyways...the sun is still up! Sit by a window.

It's not exactly like I'm responsible for cracking the whip, though. I believe Nicole 's stated, "I'd rather freeze to death than pay a $300 gas bill."

So as I deposited several large stones in the toilet's cistern, I wondered, if I'm this miserly at 24, I can't wait to see what I'll be like at 80!

Currently: Understanding completely why Clint and Tara's home is an ice palace.


iHeartDimSum said...

Shit... comments spammers? What's next?

k.skinner said...

It's a sad day indeed when you need enhanced security for your comments box, so marvel at the new "word verification" system in use to distinguish humans from automatons.

k.skinner said...

I'm sure gas was much more reasonably priced when you lived in that town house 3-4 years ago.

In the past year, the average gas bill has increased by 90%. That's just sick to think about...