toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, April 04, 2005


I'm Awesome
My oh my, look who's sitting at .500 with an impressive GAA below 8.0!

With two decisive ball hockey victories over the weekend, I believe it's now fair to say that I "bring that shit" when it comes time to play. Sure, some may argue that the guys playing in front of me were the real contributors to the victories, but I'm gonna milk this for all it's worth.

The only downside to the entire outing was discovering that the mounds of fertilizer Russel used last time to melt the remaining ice had soaked into all my equipment and was breaking it down. Bring out the duct-tape!

I'm Retarded
I must be cracking up. I dragged my post-Wrestlemania butt out of bed to make it to my 8am class, but things did not seem quite right. I arrived about 10 minutes early and was surprised to see that I was the first person there. Usually there's a few early-birds, especially on days when we've got readings to finish for a class discussion.

At 5 minutes to, I was still the only person there.

At the buzzer, I was the only person there.

Apparently the tours of the Edmonton Max were today (Monday) and this upcoming Friday, not Wednesday and Friday like I'd imagined. I can't believe I was the only student in the whole class who managed to mix those dates up. Thank God my tour group is the one going on Friday!

I'm Net-savvy
I've managed to con Nicole's brother-in-law into thinking that I know a thing or two about computers and website design. He's asked me to be the webmaster for his chiropractic clinic's website, and we're finally on the verge of launching.

I anticipate many caffeine fueled evenings.

Currently: Baking a delicious chocolate chip snack cake.

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