toil in hope and you will get there.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Fall Back...To The Future

Rejoice, boys and girls, we've managed to get an extra hour over the hour I enjoyed to the fullest extent possible, passed-out and dehydrated in the warm confines of my bed.

It's been quite a few years since I last dressed up for Hallowe'en, but damned if I wasn't going to do it up right this year. After the initial frustrations of imagination cramps and putting-a-costume-together-at-the-last-minute, Nicole and I eventually settled on the classic undead theme. Pre-existing as a team, it was concluded that our costumes should go together, so we paired up as a quaint, undead, domestic couple. Perhaps physically manifesting our earlier wardrobe frustrations, our costume story was that we had a bit of a "domestic dispute" culminating in my grisly death, and Nicole's subsequent suicide.

My clothes, from brown cords to button-up sweater, were in tatters and soaked in blood, complimenting the slash marks across my face. Nicole's home-maker dress/apron combo was also splattered with blood, accentuating the deep, bloody gashes across her neck and wrists. To say that our costumes were totally awesome would be an absolute understatement. We looked even more gruesome than this adorable thing. Unfortunately, Nicole and I are both notoriously bad for taking pictures, so there is no photographic evidence of our awesomeness.

We attended a house party, jam-packed with all sorts of strange/inebriated/whore-ish characters. Most of the people I didn't know, aside from a handful of Lambda Chi's, both new and old - yet all younger than me. What I'll probably remember most about the evening, was a little potential disaster Nicole and I propagated in the basement while checking out Conor and Drover's pets. They had 2 cages of geckos, and 2 tanks of pirrhanas. Nicole was poking around at one of the tanks, when suddenly the light from the top tumbled into the tank. Almost immediately, I then reached into the pirrhana tank to scoop out the light, fearing that the fish would be electrocuted. You know, oblivious to the fact that; a) the combination of electricity and water could have killed me, b) the pirrhana could have devoured my flesh, or c) the pirrhana could have started eating me just before we were both killed by searing jolts of electrical current.

Through artful manipulation (and timing), we managed to score a free ride (as opposed to a taxi) back to the Lambda Chi house, ordered (and feverishly consumed) pizza and wings while we waited for a cab there, then experienced the double-fortune of scamming another free ride back to our apartment! Amazing! The mind reels at the probability of such an occurrence...

Currently: Gorging on 1/2 price Hallowe'en candy.

1 comment:

k.skinner said...

Another Hallowe'en has come and gone...but what am I to do with all this extra liquid latex and arterial blood? Perhaps it could come in handy for getting me out of work or an unprepared-for midterm. Brilliant!