toil in hope and you will get there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Channels 750 thru 756

So in anticipation of the Matthew Good concert Nicole and I will be attending this Wednesday, I decide it would be a good idea to pick up his latest album, White Light Rock & Roll Review. Concerts are always great when you can sing along with the band and rock out to the fullest extent possible. The trouble with the new album, however, is that aside from Alert Status Red the other 11 songs are entirely forgettable. The album really didn't come together as a whole, and Nicole summed it up best when she remarked, "It's like he just had one song and then had to throw an album together."

You SEE!? This is why I haven't bought albums in forever! What happens as soon as I shell out my cold, hard cash? I get screwed by the music industry, that's what. If the courts hadn't been so effective in shutting down Kazaa Lite I wouldn't be in jam. To be completely fair, though, I 've only listened to the album once, so maybe it will grow on me, kinda like Bush: The Golden State eventually did. I also picked up the new Green Day album, and that wasn't all that bad.

We had ourselves a quiet Thanksgiving long-weekend. Already this month my sister has thrown two large family get-togethers, and to be completely honest, those large crowds get a tad overwhelming. Both sets of parents indisposed, we were forced to fend for ourselves, and I must say, put together a rather fantastic meal this evening. We didn't go hungry, that's for sure, but if you're reading this Mom, I won't say no to a half a fridge of turkey and stuffing left-overs. Thinking back on the past year, I certainly have a lot to be thankful for, and every day's come as a greater blessing than the last. When I contemplate all I've got, the minor inconveniences and passing tribulations of daily life don't tend to carry much weight.

I've got my health, my family, and the woman I love...and beyond that, really, all those other nice things are just additional perks.

Currently listening to: Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia

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