toil in hope and you will get there.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
As weeks and then months passed, my hope of ever owning a Wii steadily diminished as empty shelves greeted Nintendo loyalists across North America. The shortage of product was astonishing. Five months after launch, stores were still only receiving a few units per week, and customers were still lining up outside Toys 'R' Us, at 5am every Saturday, to get there hands on a system.
It appears that my parent's sudden infatuation with the system, coupled with the exhuberence of the new Vegreville Wal-Mart employees, has combined forces to get me a Wii.
My parents put their name on a waiting list and were told it could take weeks, if not longer before they would be called. Just a day or two later they received their call to "pick up their Wii" and not wanting to make multiple trips to the edge of town, it appears that they picked up 3 Wii's. Yes, multiples.
They'll keep one for the Daycare (damn lucky kids, if you ask me!), Debbie is taking one for her kids, and the final one is reserved just for me. It was a shock to the system when they called me, to be sure, and I can't wait to set the little entertainment system up!
Currently: Wishing I had made better picks for my playoff pool.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
She Said YES
The evening was March 21, 2007, and with a huge hand from Jeremy and Alex (who did all the decorating while we were out) it was a complete success. It was an absolute surprise for Nicole, the house didn't burn down, and Maizey didn't eat the engagement ring.
There's been no wedding date picked, so you'll probably be met with blank stares and varrying degrees of "ums" and "uhs" if you raise the question with either of us.
Currently: Excited, nervous, humbled, overjoyed, grateful, loved...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Does Not Play Well With Others
I just don't want my interactions with them to significantly impact my GPA, as is typically the case with damnable groupwork!
My lifestyle is not compatable with the demands of working in a group. No, I can't meet you after class, I've got to work/sleep/do nothing. I'd love to show you what I've completed already but I only do assignments the night before they're due. This applies to reading a paragraph for class or choosing a topic/starting/completing a term research paper. And no, under no circumstances will I submit an assignment in before the due date...please see the previous point.
The proof, as they say, is in the puddin':
1. Test Item Construction, group, 77% (88/115)
2. Individualized Program Plan, group, 75% (33/44)
3. Classroom Management Plan, only me, 98% (39/40)
4. Science Lesson Planning, only me, 96% (48/50)
In no way am I implying that I'm intellectually superior to the Education students around me. I'm not. Read one of my essays and your B.S. detector might burn out...but in assessment situtations, especially involving writing, I just seem to know how to massage those high marks out of the professor.
My fellow group members, I've been lead to believe, also typically score marks vastly superior to the mid-70's. So what exactly is going on here? The surest route to mediocrity begins with decisions by committee, that's what.
Currently: Pleasantly surprised that today was my last day of class...
Friday, February 16, 2007
Behind the Cage
- The entire opposing team is out to humiliate.
- Hard objects are hurled towards you at frightening speeds.
- An "off" game means that you single-handedly doom your team to failure.
Now, we do need a little perspective here - we're playing men's rec league ball hockey, but even this is not without it's challenges. All the laid back street hockey in the world doesn't prepare you much for performing in front of complete strangers, in a competitive situation, with a finite time limit. We'd play street hockey to 10 goals, which could take 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the pace. In this league you've got 50 minutes to work your magic, or alternately, 50 grueling minutes to endure a relentless ass-kicking. Game to game you just never know if you'll be facing a group of weekend warriors or an entire off-season Junior A Provincial Champion squad.
For me, personally, I've been happy with my progression in the few games that I've played goal. In my first game I was nervous, scrambling, and so hot-n-tired that I was on the verge of collapsing before the end of the first period. Since that game I find myself a bit less nervous, but way more confident. My positioning and speed is still a major work in progress, but at least I'm not fighting my own body for endurance.
Also, like most goalies, I'm completely obsessed with my stats. These, I'm happy to report, have absolutely showed signs of progress:
Game 1: Loss, 26 GA, 65 Shots, 39 Saves = 0.600 SV%Game 2: Win, 10 GA, 42 Shots, 32 Saves = 0.762 SV%
Game 3: Loss, 8 GA, 49 Shots, 41 Saves = 0.837 SV%
Sure, I'd love nothing more than to have a 3 - 0 record, but for the moment I'll be content with statistical progress!
Currently: Starting to hydrate for the game on Saturday. Drink water boys, plenty of water!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Balanced Breakfast
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. Apparently Maizey is a firm believer in this mantra.
I'd made 2 "Egg McMuffins" for my early morning commute to student teaching - the first one was delicious though the second one tasted God-awful. The reason for this discrepancy currently eludes me.
The vile disappointment sat in my car all day and froze solid. Upon returning home, Maizey was quick to pounce upon the frozen morsel. Very quick and very sneaky she was. Very sneaky indeed.
She was, however, nice enough to pose for a few pictures before dropping the inedible McTurd and slowly, ashamedly, marching straight into her kennel for some quiet reflection.
Currently: Battling a wicked cold I picked up while student teaching.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Update pwned...
I've fiddled around with the design a bit, brought on by my switch to the "new" Blogger standard. I'm quite pleased with it. I find the layout to be rather pleasing on the senses.
During coffee this morning I was reflecting (as one typically does while drinking coffee in the morning) on how many exams I've probably written in my university career...the potential tally was quite shocking. A conservative estimate would place it at over 130, with at least 45 of those being final exams. Consequently, that would also indicate I've dedicated approximately 130 nights to studying/opening my text books.
Over the course of 6 years.
Currently: Skimming over 200 pages of "supplementary readings" for my Classroom Management midterm.