toil in hope and you will get there.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Honey, I'm Ho-ooome!"

Rocky Mountain House, AB - The very city where my return to Tri-City Drilling began was also home to the end of that full-time relationship. It's Spring Break Up and I'm finally home from the "patch." Sure, I'll exploit that money pool throughout the next few years on a casual basis, but no more 14-days on/7-days off for me!

This doesn't mean I've got the rest of the summer to goof off, of course. I'll be working here in the city to ensure the mound of money I managed to save for the school year doesn't dwindle over the next 4 months - I'd be very upset indeed if the past 8 months of solitude were for naught.

As I haven't played a single game of ball hockey since last August I fully expect I'll be getting a few phone calls over the summer months to suit up...Lord knows we won't be cooped up indoors watching the Oilers tear through the playoffs.

Currently listening to: Middle Class Gangsters - Matthew Good Band

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