toil in hope and you will get there.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Answer

Too much free time on your hands? Got a lot of nice stuff you'd rather do away with? Well, my friends, the solution is simple! Get a puppy.

Now don't be mistaken, I'm very fond of our little scamp, and at 3 months old, it's to be expected that she'll be stirring up havoc and mayhem. For the most part, I think Nicole and I are doing a fairly decent job within the environment we're provided; a small, white carpeted apartment. In less than a week, we've got the pup trained to "go" outside and if stuck indoors, on these inviting grass-scented training pads. Accidents have been few and far between, but I don't think dabbing puppy piss out of dense carpeting is a pleasant experience at any frequency.

Her teeth are mini razor blades, and make short work out of anything not constructed from solid granite. Shoes, area rugs, furniture, floor lamps, electrical cords, even the TV cable outlet in the wall have fallen victim to her miniature mandibles. It's a great lesson to learn before producing offspring - anything within reach will be destroyed, and expensive and/or nice things will be the first to go.

But despite all the destruction, the reeking puddles, the barking, and the energetic nipping and biting, it's a great experience, and once she settles down and finally falls asleep at your feet, all is forgiven.

Currently: Enjoying a fine Stella Artois as I relax before bed...

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