toil in hope and you will get there.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

NyQuil and Sudafed

Certainly not to the same extent as in this scenario, but hey, anything to try and feel better, eh? I still maintain that the pool and/or hot tub and/or sauna in the building is responsible for my diseased state, though my better half insists that the sheer medical theory behind such a scenario disproves such a ludicrous idea. Science be damned! It's not my fault that I'm sick, so someone/thing has to take the blame, and that thing resides on the 3rd floor of this complex.

You've probably been noticing that my posts over the past month have been sporadic and erratic at best. At first I reasoned that it was due to various demands on my time - moving, exams, work - but I've since come to realize that it's due to my new living arrangements. On more than one occasion, this Blog was used to entertain and inform not only my friends and family, but specifically that special lady in my life. Now that Nicole and I are living under one roof, it's akin to using the phone to communicate between the living room and kitchen. Not that such an arrangement wouldn't be fun, in a Secret Ops kind of way, but direct conversation does afford a greater degree of satisfaction. I'm sure she's infinitely pleased to be the initial audience of all my fantastical tales of daring-do.

Currently listening to: The Beastie Boys - Shazam!

1 comment:

k.skinner said...

Ah, it's 1:20 AM and I'm watching the Olympics live on CBC...Athens is half a world away, making for some strange viewing hours! ^_^

I prefer watching the Winter Olympics, but all these rowing events have got me glued to the tube.