toil in hope and you will get there.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Weekend Leisure?

God himself rested on the seventh day, but lo!, no such luxury extends to the modern, urban man.

In the twilight hours of Saturday morning I'll be making my way back to Vegreville to help my parents build a new deck. I've been known to swing a hammer once or twice in my day, so by default, I'm a carpenting dynamo. While I'm out there I'll also be setting up a computer for the Die's - an abandoned unit in need of a loving home. At some point in the evening, I'll then race back to Edmonton to attend Russel's secret birthday party. Ssshhh!

Though I don't know about you, I find personal knowledge of my birth-date is more than enough to prevent its yearly occurrence being an absolute surprise...

And then there's Sunday. Oh, Sunday! Nicole and I will be attending our very first house inspection. Purchasing a house is a terrifying proposition for anyone incapable of using cash for the entire amount. For two individuals still somewhat stuck in "poor, credit-denied student mode" (okay, perhaps me more so than my better half) it's daunting to partake in a financial transaction involving 6 figures, to be paid back over an equal amount of time to how long we've presently existed on this Earth. Nicole and I have been veritable powder kegs of stress, exuberance, uncertainty, and conviction. At the same time it's also an exciting step forward, and a manageable one, if we exercise strict financial vigilance.

Finally, to celebrate/unwind/de-stress, we'll be attending the Constantines show at the Starlight Room later Sunday evening.

Currently: Secretly hoping I won't need to return Monday to finish the deck!

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