toil in hope and you will get there.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Back to the Future

Much like the fabled Punxsutawney Phil, as glorified not in real life but in the riveting movie Groundhog Day, I poked my head outside in late January, perma-froze my brain and fingers in the punishing -45C weather, and decided it would be several consecutive weeks before I'd Blog again.

My intricately conceived plan to enjoy Reading Week, plus an additional few days, by having my Wisdom Teeth pulled immediately after the break and once school fired up again was utterly defeated by an under-skilled "dentist" in Vegreville. Upon seeing my x-rays he immediately threw up his arms in surrender and simply stated, "This is beyond my capabilities." Beyond his capabilities to extract 4 misguided teeth, eh? And just what late-night infomercial did he call to receive his degree!? Though I wasn't going to enjoy the remainder of my time off school, I did have the pleasant experience of being put under for the actual procedure, back in Edmonton.

I'd never been knocked unconscious before (unless you count the "I'm gonna live to a hundred and..." incident at George's) so I'm sure all my inquiries to the people around me were starting to get annoying. The actual experience was even cooler than anything I could have imagined! As the doctor injected his magical serum into my I.V., I felt a cold, tingling sensation down my arm, and a strange odour in my mouth. Knowing I didn't have much time I started to count down from! The very instant before you lose consciousness your eyes go all wonky and relax in completely different directions. Very cool.

Then nothing.

You don't dream. You don't experience any sensations. The hour and a half that they worked on my teeth passed by in the blink of an eye, and I opened my eyes in the recovery room. Quite literally, it felt like I had just time-traveled. I look forward to any and all future surgeries I have, just so I can experience general anesthetic again.

Just why my pants were undone I'm not quite sure, but I assume it had something to do with that $100 the Doc knocked off the bill...

Currently listening to: Jack Johnson - Times Like These

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